What Is the Cause of Tooth Nerve Pain, and How Is It Treated?

A toothache can be annoying for many reasons, and there are many names for different types of toothache. When an injury in the mouth remains untreated for a while, it can reach the nerve roots of the tooth, causing severe pain and disrupting your life. Nervous toothache is a term for this type, regardless of the cause. This type of pain is usually sharp, intense, and frequent and can be extended to other parts besides the tooth; Because the nerve network is expanded in the whole face, and the pain can move along the nerves and be transmitted. As a top dentist in downtown Vancouver emphasizes, medical examination and treatment are necessary when you develop this condition, also known as a dying nerve or a dying tooth. But you can control the pain with some treatments and painkillers, although permanent treatment can only be achieved with medical interventions.

Nerve Pain and Tooth Symptoms

It is not always possible to identify a damaged tooth by looking at it. Only a dental specialist can diagnose it, which is why the need to visit the dentist regularly.

However, the damaged nerve of the tooth has symptoms that can help to diagnose this problem the person himself:

Pain: This symptom is the most important sign that your tooth nerve has a problem; you will have severe and sudden pain. This pain can be acute or spread throughout the teeth (and face).

Discoloration: If the damage is not noticed for a while, your damaged tooth will become a dead tooth, and the body will not nourish it; Your tooth will be damaged and may become discolored after a while.

Sensitivity: damage to the nerve of the teeth can cause sensitivity to cold and heat; If you have severe sensitivity, it could be related to the oral (or facial) nerves.

Discomfort while eating: As the nerves in the teeth become damaged and sensitive, even simple tasks such as eating can become difficult.

If you feel tooth pain, you should see a dentist immediately to prevent more serious problems.

Causes of Neuralgic Toothache

Nervous toothache can have many causes:

Causes of Neuralgic Toothache

Trauma due to injury

A sudden injury to the jaw and teeth can cause nerve damage. For example, physical contact in sports is the most common cause of dental trauma. This problem may also occur due to an accident that caused jaw and teeth trauma. Immediately after this, whether a tooth is broken or cracked should be determined immediately. The pain can also be severe. As a result of these factors, the dental nerves will be exposed to external factors and must be treated immediately and urgently.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay results from improper oral and dental hygiene or the use of drugs that affect oral and dental health. As the tooth decay progresses, you should visit the dentist as soon as possible because the decay can cause the tooth nerve to weaken and the tooth pulp to be damaged. This situation increases the chance of nerve infection, and you will have tooth sensitivity, especially when eating and drinking.

Tooth abscess

When the jaw or face swells, the tooth nerve is probably infected due to damage or decay. This sign is a sign of tooth abscess. An abscess is called pus (liquid) inside the tooth, gums, and bone. This circumstance is a type of bacterial infection that will cause throbbing pain. This case is another symptom of nerve damage to the tooth.

Grinding teeth

In severe cases, not treating grinding teeth can lead to nerve damage. Also, tooth enamel may be damaged or destroyed due to teeth rubbing against each other.

Because the pressure caused by squeezing the teeth on each other and grinding the tooth destroys the tooth enamel, the inner tissue of the tooth and the nerves around it will gradually become visible. Without the protective and insulating layer of enamel, these nerves may cause tooth sensitivity and facial pain.

Ways to Treat Neuralgic Toothache

The treatment of nerve pain depends on the cause.

A missing or damaged tooth should be treated immediately. If treatment is not done, the bacteria in the tooth will spread and may cause the loss of other teeth. It can also involve the jaw bone and gums.

Root canal

With root canal treatment, you can save your tooth. In this method, the dentist makes a hole in the tooth and then uses a small tool to remove the pulp and the infection. After removing all the infections, the dentist will block the nerves and fill the cavity with permanent fillings.

Tooth extraction

If your tooth is severely damaged and cannot be repaired, your dentist may recommend extraction of the dead tooth. In this method, the dentist removes the tooth completely. After tooth extraction, you can use implants, dentures, or bridges. Talk to your dentist about your options.

Drug treatment

Sometimes, the dentist may prescribe painkillers, anti-anxiety drugs, or even muscle relaxants to relieve pain. Muscle relaxants can be effective for nerve pain caused by teeth grinding. Painkillers also effectively eliminate referred jaw, sinus, ear, and migraine pain.

Botox injection

Botox injection is used when the tooth pain has not been reduced with the help of other treatment methods. In general, dentists recommend Botox injections to treat severe teeth grinding. During this procedure, Botox is injected into the jaw muscles to temporarily paralyze them and prevent the excessive activity of these muscles.

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